Le jeu de cartes à collectionner Harry Potter
Le jeu de cartes Harry Potter
Wizards of the Coast
Carte Harry Potter
Site web : fmoffatt.com

Courriel : f.moffatt@videotron.ca

Devoir sur l′histoire de la magie

Par Aardvark, Crusader, Enraged, Fend, Profpoke, Snuffles et Fishbob (www.pojo.com/harrypotter)
114/140 cs - commune
3 leçons

Cherchez dans votre deck 1 carte de leçon et mettez-la en jeu. Ensuite, brassez votre deck.

Les stratégies


This spell seems to be most comparable to an ordinary lesson. So let's see how it matches up. A lesson doesn't need to have any other lessons out as a precursor to being able to play it. This spell requires three such lessons, one of which must be Transfiguration. Unlike an ordinary lesson, History of Magic Homework (HMH) causes a point of virtual damage, as an additional card is removed from your library. Being a spell, HMH is vulnerable to being stopped by anti-spell cards, such as Jawbind Potion. Are there any benefits that can compensate for these flaws? Well, you do get to shuffle your library, which can be advantageous if you play with "deck stacking" cards. However, the big advantage is that you get to choose which lesson to fetch. Through cards like this, you can play a deck of many colors with more consistency. You might have a deck that "splashes" one color. That is, it only contains a few lessons to support one color of several mid-to-late game cards in that color. If you haven't drawn the appropriate lesson type when you need it, this card can go get it for you. Are you excited yet? Neither am I.


Why don't you just replace this card with a lesson? =\ Instead of depleting your deck, you get another lesson in play and your deck isn't being killed. Also, why not just replace this card with Accio? You can get it from your graveyard instead...


Rather useless it takes an action to find a lesson and then another to lay a lesson that is a whole turn your best bet is to just draw two times than to lay this guy. The only situation it might be useful in if you are running very few of one lesson type but then heavy denial whoops up on your sorry behind.


Hmm I never liked homework and neither if it involves magic history :P. Oh well back to the card. A common decent card requiring 3 lessons to play an additional lesson. Issit good? Well imho I'm not sure. I do not use cards which put lessons into play because I think they are a waste of time. I mean who would want to kill yourself in the last 10 cards left by searching for a lesson FROM the DECK. That is 75 - 80 % suicidal unless you can pull a combo to make you win which I think is quite hard.


In most mono-chromatic decks, the "Real Macoy" is better than this imposter. This card acts more like a reference to a lesson.. sure it can find it and put it into play, but if you used a real lesson instead of this card, you'd just put it right into play instead of shortening your deck life.


In today's denial ridden game, this card could come in very handy. This is basically 3 power that stops you from needing to draw for lessons. Plus... You can grab whichever lesson type you want. So if you are playing Wand Shop, this can get you that extra 2 power... or if you are playing critters, you can grab that COMC that you just sacrificed. I think this card is a bit underplayed in today's environment. Anyone who is playing Transfiguration nowadays almost always has at least 8 denial cards in there deck and that is huge as the game progresses. Of course this is also a Trans card, but it is still good to have protection. Especially if you are playing cards with a high power cost.


Well, it's apparently time for the exams. This card was made for decks like the Spiral Dive Combo. When you don't have the right lessons this card is good. If this card is in your deck, you shouldn't have hermione as your starter, becuase this card puts the lessons STRAIGHT INTO PLAY! Now that is what I call good! You can play any lesson in your deck, and only for three lessons! The only drawback is that it takes up valuable deck space. If you have an extra space in your deck, consider this card. If there's a card that you want to put in a full deck, this card is a card to consider taking out. If you are having trouble getting the right lessons, I reccomend this card. Otherwise, just put a lesson instead of this card, or just don't use it.
