Le jeu de cartes à collectionner Harry Potter
Le jeu de cartes Harry Potter
Wizards of the Coast
Carte Harry Potter
Site web : fmoffatt.com

Courriel : f.moffatt@videotron.ca

Champignons sauteurs

Par Aardvark, Crusader, Enraged, Fishbob et Profpoke (www.pojo.com/harrypotter)
119/140 cs - commune
Plante - 1 leçon  4 santé

Une fois par tour, les Champignons sauteurs peuvent vous protéger de 1 dommage.

Les stratégies


Since the Toadstool doesn't attack for any damage, you can think of this as being roughly comparable to a slow healing spell, which takes care of four damage for you. That's not very exciting. However, with Professor Sprout at the helm, the healing equivalent is bumped up to six damage. That's not bad. If your deck is using Dragon Dung Compost, this little guy can even indirectly damage your opponent. Using this in combination with Umbrella Flowers might even allow you to consider adding in Nurture, to increase the effective healing amount. Further supplemental cards, such as Greenhouse Three and Halloween Feast, and suddenly you have a deck that is at least annoying and at times dangerous. On the downside, this sort of damage prevention defense won't help you if your opponent uses a draw based attack against you, such as with Charms Exam. Once again, this card is relatively poor, but functions well in a specific type of deck.


It's like a mini version of Kelpie, and a bigger version of Trevor and Pet Toad. It's nice when you get 2-3 of them out, as you can prevent 4-6 damage a turn for 4 turns! That's just about 1/2th of your deck. This card is PERFECT for the decks with Fawkes and Whomping Willow, as it plays right into how those decks operate. ;)


Terrible card it is no where near as good as pet toad or kelpie one damage a turn that eventually dies and is subject to creature elimination just isn’t that good.


This card is like a Comet 260 that only lasts 4 turns, 6 if you have sprout. If your deck is running quidditch and you want this card, use the broom. Otherwise I wouldn't bother with it. 4/6 damage isn't that much so this card alone won't really save you. The only way I see someone using this card is if they have 4 at a time. You could also use umbrella flowers to prevent up to 8 damage. That is a lot. Another upside is that this can prevent all damage, unlike Trevor and Pet Toad. I don't care if you use this card or not.


It's a quick Plant to get out early. Only preventing one of the damage a turn isn't too groovy though, so that's definatly a drawback. The good things would be since it's so cheap, you can play them first turn in a Sprout deck, which is where they belong since Sprout Plant decks got lots of plants, and plants are cool.!
